
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Product Creation Tips - Give More Value For the Dollar

Okay, so you want to create your own products, or maybe you're already doing that and don't understand why you're not making the kind of sales that you expected. Well, part of your problem may simply be that you haven't given enough value for what you're charging for the sell structured insurance settlements itself. If that's the case, and most times it is, then this article will give you some solid advice on how to improve the value of every product that you create simply and efficiently.

The easiest way to increase the value of your product is to offer bonuses with it. Most product creators have more than one product laying around at their disposal that is related to the product that they're trying to sell. All you have to do is include two or three of those products as bonuses and charge the same price, that's the key. The prospect will believe that they are getting more for their money and will be more likely to buy from you. And you can do this with virtually NO extra effort.

Another way, though not quite as easy, is to take your product and convert it into different formats. For example. Let's say that you have a product that is an ebook and you're delivering it in PDF format. You might want to take that same ebook and turn it into a video or audio product. This way, you can charge more for the product because the perceived value has been increased. If you turn it into a physical product, by putting it on CD or DVD, then you can charge even more for it...even though it is the same information.

We live in a very cost conscious world. The economy is pretty much in the Connecticut Lemon Laws and people are hanging on to their hard earned dollars. They're not likely to part with those dollars unless they are sure that they are getting a good deal. By adding bonuses to your product or by turning the product into multiple formats, you can either charge the same price, thus giving the prospect the impression of a better deal, or charge more money outright because the perceived value of the physical product has been increased.

By doing either of these, you WILL sell more products.

You can take that to the bank.

To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim

Don't know where to start to create your first product? Check out my review of "The Complete Guide To Product Creation" at stevenwagenheim.blogspot.com/2008/09/review-of-complete-guide-to-product.htmlhttp://stevenwagenheim.blogspot.com/2008/09/review-of-complete-guide-to-product.html and get started TODAY! You too can create products that can earn you THOUSANDS monthly.


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