
Sunday, February 22, 2009

What it Takes to Retain Your Mental Health

The entire process of storing, retaining Theatre of Magic recalling information is known as memory.

Experts have designed so many ways to overcome the problem of memory loss. One of such tools is called mnemonics it enhances our capacity to remember things based on similarity. It is the neurons 1949 Bowman baseball cards our brain that send buy toys receive signals.

The stronger neurons connections are the better the memory is. If we practice ways to strengthen and protect them it can go a long way in ensuring a better memory, which generally degrades with age and mental disorders such as stress. To retain your mental health you should try reducing stress and getting involved in leisure activities. Try to experience new experiences and skills and move away from routine functions.

Try new adventures and challenges and give body and mind new environments to function. Exercise regularly and do include brisk walk and cardiovascular exercises to enhance blood flow to brain to enhance its growth. Stimulate brain by involving oneself in brainstorming puzzles and quizzes. Read thru various magazines and books and stay update with newspapers. Try retaining as much information as the watchmen and recall on a regular basis by referring to them in conversation. Avoid medication such as antidepressants and sleeping aids, as they tend to dull our mind.

One should also try to kick unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking and getting involved in drugs/doping. Making sure to get adequate hours of sleep (minimum 8 hours per day) also ensures to help our brain stay active.



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