
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Are Hornby Trains Right For You?

As a youngster growing up in the sixties NOTHING matched the excitement of my train set. I mean nothing. I Red Man baseball cards the Engineer, the Conductor, Littlechap the Caboose operator. There was nothing that I couldn't be and no where that I could not go. The world, as they say, was my oyster and I was going to enjoy every minute of is. Those were great times for me as a boy and to this day I find myself sometimes thing of those days.

Yes, today we have Wii and X-box and the small hand held systems like the DS and all those Cyber reality things. But you know what? It STILL doesn't surpass the sound of that old engine going chug-chug by me as I sat there or the shrill sound of the whistle.

That brings me to today and Hornby Trains. A legend that comes to us from across the big pond courtesy of the good old United Kingdom. Actually from a town famous for something else as well, the Beatles, but that is another story.

The attention to detail on one of these Hornby Trains is uncanny. As I look at them I am reminded what girl comics craftsmanship was should be for everything made today, but don't get me going on that.

As with all good things, they faced stiff competition with the onset of plastics and such things that threatened the company in the late fifties and the company struggled and came out of it. They continued to face adversity and the continued to overcome the challenges of less costly models being made by competitors who were shipping from Mexico and overseas where labor was less costly.

Again as they came into the nineties, the company faced challenges in the form of foreign competition that once again threatened to lay waste to the company. Once again the adapted and came out stronger than ever. Hornby Trains has a reputation of making a very solid and detailed train and that is reputation that has served them well in the past and continues to serve them well today and, by all observations will continue to do them well as we move into the future.

Are trains of this magnitude suitable for everyone? Certainly not. I mean I have a nephew that could most likely destroy it in an hour; of course he can destroy ANYTHING in an hour. But certainly, if you are someone that enjoys the finer things in life. If you remember that rain from Alien action figure youth and really long for that feeling again. Then there is a strong possibility that ownership of a Hornby Trains set may well just be exactly what the doctor did, or should order for your sanity.

Make some Hot Cocoa, put on your striped engineers hat and flip the switch on that big old train and just listen to it chug, whistle and blow off some steam and you're back at age seven without a care in the world. Now where was it that I laid that last piece of track?

Find out about the latest Toys And Vehicles from Brian Garvin and Jeff West. Also discover the coolest places to look at Hornby Trains Online for free. Freely distribute this article but please leave author bio and links intact.


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