Tips On How To Save Money
If you're feeling the pinch as much as I am then you've probably given some thought to how on earth you're going to reduce your outgoings. There are many tips on how to save money out there but I think if you remember the following 5 rules you'll make a cracking start.
1. Shop Online
You can save a lot of money by doing your shopping online, for more than one reason. If you do your grocery shopping online, it stops you from picking up all those impulse buys cash for structured settlement you could easily live without. Think about it, how many times do you pick up extra things because they just look nice or you've got a craving for that box of chocolates you saw on special offer? They may appear a bargain having been reduced to 3 from 5 but actually all you're doing is spending an extra 3 not saving 2!
2. Join a Cashback Shopping website
Another method of saving by doing your shopping online is to use a cashback website. These sites have started to pop up now because most online retailers or service providers will pay a commission to these sites for sending your business their way. The cashback site then splits that commission with you, the shopper, so you actually get some money back on your purchase. You can do this for anything from clothing, insurance policies, utility suppliers, tickets and even your grocery shopping.
3. Stop using the Car Wash
Yes I know, it's nobody's favourite job but get your bucket and sponge out and save 5 every time you wash your car. If you wash it once a week then that's a saving of 20 per month!
4. Take a Packed Lunch to Work
This has got to be the simplest and depression treatment tip on how to save money that you will ever hear, and you've probably even given this thought before but perhaps never life insurance quotation made the jump to making your own lunch. If you buy lunch every day it's quite likely you're spending at least 4-7 per day. That's 20-35 per week and can mesothelioma doctor in you spending hundreds, maybe even thousands of pounds a year! By making your own lunch you can feed yourself for less than 1 per day and all it takes is 10 minutes of your time to prepare. A worthy time investment to save those precious pounds.
5. Shop Around for your Insurance
Whether it's for your car, home or otherwise, it's absolutely imperative that you check some prices before automatically renewing with your current insurer. It's a well known fact that new customers get quoted massively cheaper prices than existing ones so make sure you check out the competition. Most companies would rather match your cheapest quote than lose your business so it really pays to do your research.
There are so many other tips on how to save money but I've found the above to be the simplest and easiest ones to implement without changing your life too much. Good luck!
Tamara O'Shea is an accomplished money saver and buy meridia online to share the knowledge so you too can start reaping the benefits. Learn more about the benefits of cashback shopping by visiting The Cashback Shop...