
Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's a Leonberger?

If you were from the small Germany town of Leonberger, you'd be called sell structured settlement payments Leonberger.

Ironically...it's actually a breed of dog believe it or not.

Many years ago, as the Vermont Lemon Laws goes, the town of Leonberg Germany as so many towns back then, decided they needed to have a mascot for their town. They all pooled their 8th Man thoughts and decided upon a Lion.

Since Lions aren't normally found in Germany, somebody came up with the idea that perhaps they might be able to create their own.

It took a few years of time, but the mayor of the town just happened to be a breeder of dogs decided to take a Saint Bernard and cross it with a Newfoundland. Thought the pups were black and white, they didn't look like lions.

The mayor tried this for four more breeding cycles...the results were the same.

It was then he decided to also include a Great Pyreneese into the mix.

VIOLA! The resulting pups had the resemblance of a lion. He was so pleased with the results that he revealed the pups for the first time in public at the Octoberfest where the people fell in love with the adorable cuddly little lions.

Word spread throughout the royal courts ac5ross Europe and soon Leonberger dogs were finding there ways into the home of Russia, Great Britain, Spain, France and Austria's nobility.

The Leonberger breed was nearly destroyed during the World Wars. In fact, immediately raid data recovery services the second World War, there were only an estimated 300 Leonberger dogs in existence.

Today, the breed is gaining popularity around the world with people vehicle donation programs for a large, gentle and affectionate pet.

Want to know more about www.twinfallsleonbergers.comLeonberger Dogs? Breeder Scott Kroll has nearly 20 years experience. Visit his website at www.twinfallsleonbergers.comhttp://www.twinfallsleonbergers.com for more information