What Do I Do If My Sponsor Sucks?
Great question right?
I'm sure you've dealt with this situation if you've had any
sort of tenure as a network marketer.
I mean remortgages bad credit do all the research, you find a business that you
think is a perfect fit for you, you do the research to find
a great sponsor, and then when you think everything is
matched up perfectly your jump in.
What happens?
What if you found a company that is not only the fast
growing company in it's industry in the world, but it also
teaches you how to become a leader, how to generate wealth
and you had experience of a highly successful marketer like
myself to set the stage? Would you be up for the challenge?
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You get in and then you get interest credit card little support from your
You don't know what to do or where turn and you start to
feel like you're in this thing all alone.
Well I'm going to tell you something that I'm guessing
you've never heard before!
You're lucky!!!!
Well as someone that was in a network marketing company with
a great sponsor and in a network marketing company with
virtually no sponsor I've seen things from both sides.
So let me explain . . .
When I started with network marketing I was sure to dot all
my eyes and cross all my tees.
I found a good sponsor and what I thought to be a good
I did everything I was taught to do and seven a half months
later I had no success.
My second run in network marketing I found a company I liked
without regards to the sponsor and joined.
(In fact, I've never spoken to my sponsor once - I think
he's somewhere in Asia.)
And now Birdman and the Galaxy Trio year later I've got a thriving organization that
grows by 10 to 15 people a day like clockwork without any
direct upline support.
If we looked at the situation objectively based on my
results the obviously conclusion would be that going in
without a sponsor is the way to go.
Now I'm not going to say that is totally true, but . . .
Going into a business without a strong sponsor does have its
It forces you to go out into the world without expectations
and without their system and figure it out for yourself.
You're forced into a leadership role.
You have to find what works for you and if you don't there's
nothing to lean on, so it's really a do or die situation!
You're forced to go to school and learn.
You have to buy books and information from those who have
been more successful than you and then create your own
system out of it.
You have to be independent.
If you have a good sponsor you can get lazy. You can rely to
heavily on their system and their promise of its
You have a scape goat for when it doesn't work!
So when you don't get the success you thought you deserved
from all your hard work it's NOT your fault, it's your
sponsors fault, it's your companies fault.
(At least in your own mind.)
All I'm saying is if your going to be successful in network
marketing your sponsor has little to do with it.
He or home loan refinance rate can shorten your learning curve, but it's up to
each and every one of use to define our path to success and
become our own leader.
Daegan Smith is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. "Learn How To Make $10,717 In Less Than a Week While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without EVER Buying a Single Lead?"
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