
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vince McMahon - The Suspects

Now that we've seen the "death" of Vinnie Mac the big question on gieco auto insurance fans lips is the question of whodunnit. There are certainly no shortage of suspects.

There are likely to be many twist and turns throughout this storyline that's for sure. If your a long time fan you may remember the last time WWE did a similar story was the Steve Austin hit and run, and that ended up been down to Rikishi who had nothing to do with the story. The twist however came when it was later revealed Triple H was behind it all.

This shows that with a WWE storyline it really could've been anyone but here are the main suspects in no particular order.

Bret Hart

Given the real life personal issues between McMahon and "The Hitman" it would certainly make sense. Bret hostgator coupon code was rumored to be appearing on Raw that night prior to the event which only added fuel to the fire that Utah Lemon Laws could be responsible. My problem with Hart as the purpatrator is that his reason would be the double cross and the death of Owen Hart but I believe Bret Hart wouldn't want to make light of these two incidents and turn them into a storyline.

Mick Foley

The public firings Mick Foley suffered at the hands of McMahon would give Foley a good reason storyline wise especially as with his last stint in the WWE Foley also joined the kiss my arse club. A McMahon/Foley match has also been hinted at for quite some time now so Foley would have to remain a strong contender

John Cena

There may be no real storyline reason for Cena to have blown up his boss but as I said WWE don't always follow previous storylines. The theory for Cena is simple, he has struggled to become the next Hogan/Rock/Austin figure that the WWE are so desperate for but if he was to be responsible for the death of the most hated character in the company perhaps you would finally get the reaction WWE have so far failed to recieve.

Triple H

Several storyline's could be used if Triple H was to be the guilty party. They could use his real life partnership with Stephanie McMahon as a story for Triple H to take control of the company or build on there hatred from last years feud. The timing also seems offer in compromise settlement for Triple H as he is due to return from injury very soon so he could appear as the new man in charge or as a man with something to hide.

Shane McMahon

Similar to Triple H in that he would be the man in charge and in weeks previous to the event Shane had been doing segments claiming Vince was becoming an embarrasment and making a mockery of the family name.

Stephanie McMahon

If she was responsible it is likely to be linked with Triple H rather than on her own. Triple H would more likely be the person actually responsible but Stephanie would be the one behind it. It's a possibility but I think others are stronger candidates.

Eric Bischoff

Bitter enemies from the nineties Monday Night Wars Bischoff would be a perfect contender and a prime suspect using some sort of takeover/revenge for WCW storyline. A definite contender.

Hulk Hogan

They've had so many fallings out over the years a reason for a storyline would be easy to create. Hogan has also returned to the WWE for the past two summers to help promote his reality TV show so timing wise this would fit in.

There are of course three more Major suspects If you want to know who they are and my shocking conclusion then take a look at wrestlingsgreatest.blogspot.comwrestlingsgreatest.blogspot.com feel free to join the debate.