
Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Credit Score Limit Game

Has this ever happened to you? You're a good consumer, using credit cards and paying your bills on time every month. But you're driving an old clunker, which you know needs replacing, and you're saving up for a down payment on a new car. Finally, you've got your 10 percent saved up, and you head off for the dealer's showroom. You know which car you want, so you talk to the salesman and negotiate your best price and a good offer for your trade in. You can practically inhale that new car smell when the man comes back and says you were denied because you're below their credit score limit.

Below the credit score limit? What's he talking about? You pay your bills every month and you're never late. You make good money. What's the deal? Well, the credit bureaus are who lenders rely on to provide your credit information. And they do that with a score. It's called a FICO score, and it ranges from 300-850. And every lender has a credit score limit, and anyone who's below the cutoff won't get a loan. No matter that you're never late; it's the score that's the deciding factor.

And, unfortunately, lately the credit score limit at the equity loan bad credit car dealer or mortgage company has been going up, because of all the repos and foreclosures that have happened over the past year. They were too lax with credit for several years, and they created a crisis of millions of overextended consumers. So now they're getting tougher when it comes to approving loans. If this has happened to you, you'll need to work on raising your credit score. It can be done, and fairly quickly if you know how. But until you do, you're probably not going to get a loan.

Macus Duke provides information www.creditscoreratingguide.com/higher-credit-score.htmlabout raising your credit scores through his website on www.creditscoreratingguide.com/The credit score rating system.

Tips For An Online Accounting Education

If you have decided to pursue an online accounting education, there are some things that you need to know. Earning your accounting degree online is great because you can usually work at your own pace and there is no travel involved. But you need to know that it can be challenging also. You have to be motivated and a self learner. If you are the type of person that cannot move forward without someone telling you exactly what to do, then online learning may not be for you. But if you are motivated and can complete tasks on your own, then online accounting education may be the perfect fit for you. Read on to discover some helpful tips that will make it easier to obtain an online accounting degree.

Tip number one is learning computer skills. Become tech savvy. Accountants utilize computer software to do all of their accounting tasks these days. So the more you know about a computer, the better you will be.

Tip number two is to make sure that the online college that you choose is fully accredited. Confirm that any college credits that you receive from your online college are transferable. This is important if you decide to go back to college later in your career.

Tip number three is deciding what type of accounting that you want to do. There are various areas of accounting and to make you stand out from the crowd it is a good idea to specialize in one particular area. You may want to do public accounting, forensic accounting or government accounting. Determine which one interests you the most and take extra courses in that particular area so that you can market yourself as a specialist. Usually a specialist can command higher prices and will be in higher demand.

Tip number four is to get some experience. While you are getting your online accounting education, look for internships with established accountants in your area. Getting some real world experience will look great on your resume and increase your chance of getting hired when you finish your online accounting degree.

Tip number five is to step out of traditional accounting classes and take additional classes that complement your accounting classes. For example, you may want to take a budget analysis class to expand your knowledge base. The more knowledgeable you are about meridia diet pill aspects of accounting, the better you will be prepared for actual accounting jobs.

So there are a few great tips on online accounting education. Accounting jobs are always in high demand and becoming an accountant can be very profitable for you. Do a search to find the best online accounting education.

You can find out more about an www.onlineaccountingeducation.comOnline Accounting Education as well as much more information on everything to do with accounting at: www.onlineaccountingeducation.comhttp://www.OnlineAccountingEducation.com