
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

An Ant Named Fly - A Poem For Children

An Ant Named Fly

Once upon a time, in a forest mesthelioma away

Lived a family of ants who cherished every day.

And on one special day in a land beneath the sky

Was born a special ant and his family named him ... Fly


As Fly grew up accident at work claim realized that his name Homeowner loan rather rare

Compared Mesothelioma attorneys ants with normal names, but he didn't really care

Until one day while walking through the forest by a log

He came upon an animal who introduced himself as Frog


Frog looked at Fly suspiciously and with a deep voice said

"Tell me what your name is ant for I have not been fed."

"My name is Fly," said Fly to Frog, "And you can plainly see ...

That I'm a little nervous of the way you look at me."


Said Frog to Fly "Don't worry, son, it's flies I eat for game,

But if you don't mind my asking ... again what was your name?"

The little ant looked at the frog and tried to hide his fear

"My name is ... Fly," he told the frog, "And now I'm leaving here.


The frog bellowed out a laugh and Fly walked sadly away

He didn't much like the way that frog had treated him this day

On his way home he thought of things and wished his parents had

Chosen not to call him Fly and make him feel this bad.


Once around the thickets and then a bending tree

Fly came across a perching bird who called herself Phoebe

"A flycatching bird I am," said Phoebe to the ant

"And now tell me what your name is bug or be gone if you can't"


"My name is Fly and I'm an ant," said the insect to the bird.

"And if you think you'll laugh at that, I'd like to say a word.

I met a frog and he laughed at me and I think that was bad,

But if you laugh at what I'm called, I think that I'd be sad."


Without a second passing by, the bird begin to giggle.

Poor Fly's antennae on his head began to twitch and wiggle

"I just don't understand what the matter is with my name,"

Said Fly to the bird as he walked away sadly in his shame.


On his way home he thought of things and wished his parents had

Chosen not to call him Fly and make him feel this bad.

But through a bush and past four friends who were gladly sipping cider,

Fly came upon a giant web and a large approaching spider.


"Who's there, who's there" cried Spider as he clicked his legs towards Fly

"It's me; an ant and I want no trouble, I'm simply passing by!"

The spider neared and gazed his eyes upon the weary ant

And said "Tell me what your name is ... bug, or be gone if you can't."


"I don't much Paxil to say my name, if you don't mind too bad,

It seems that others that find out just laugh and I feel sad."

"That's nonsense," said the spider in a voice so deep and scary.

"After all I am a spider and my family calls me Harry."


Fly caught himself before a smile broke out upon his face.

He didn't want to do the same that others had in his place.

But no matter how Fly tried, Harry had seen his smirk,

And he nodded to the ant to show his proof had really worked.


"Now tell me what your name is boy," said Harry to the ant.

"I want to really, Harry ... but I just simply really can't.

I understand your name is odd, and mine is too no doubt,

but your laughing at my name I can really do without."


"I really do not understand why you behave this way,"

Said Harry to the ant and then he crossed his web that day.

As Fly watched Harry walk across his web along the way

He said, "My name is Fly the ant so what have you to say."


Harry stopped and ignored a fly that had tangled in his web,

He turned and looked at Fly the ant and smiled a smirk and said,

"Dear boy, you're right! That truly is a very funny name

Who ever heard of an ant named Fly, why that's just quite insane."


And then a great rumble came from deep down inside of the spider

He guffawed out and chased away the ants beside the cider.

Fly sadly hung his head and he slowly walked away.

He didn't much like the way that Harry had treated him this day.


On his way home he thought of things and wished his parents had

Chosen not to call him Fly and make him feel this bad.

Then finally in the distance he could see his ant hill home

He was so done with exploring this day; he no longer cared to roam.


He walked inside the ant hole and passed his mom and pop

His pop took notice of his poking and asked for Fly to stop.

"What's wrong with you my little ant and why the droopy face?"

Poor Fly sat down and pouted right beside the fireplace


"I've met three animals today and when they asked me what I'm called

They all began to laugh at me and that made me want to bawl.

It made me walk and think of things and try to wonder why

My parents would have named an ant something silly like a fly."


"Tis' true the name is a wee bit off," said Pop ant to his boy.

"But be assured there's good reason for your name to give you joy."

"Twas when your mother walked along with her weary legs across

A rapid flowing stream of water near a nested patch of moss,"


"You had not been born yet, but were already growing in her belly."

"You moved around inside her and made her six legs feel like jelly."

"She stumbled, staggered, and as she tried to jump on a passing leaf,"

"She fell into the raging water and I was helplessly in grief."


"But suddenly from up above and downward from the sky,

Swooped a truly heroic insect who introduced himself as Fly."

'I'll save your wife,' called out the fly to me on the nearby shore,

He plucked her from the river safely and we were grateful forever more."


"Dear friends we did become and promised Fly when you were hatched

"We'd honor his heroic effort and make your names both match."

Fly sat and pondered this a moment and looked at Pop and said.

"Considering the circumstances and all the things racing in my head,"


"And after meeting all the creatures and seeing what they eat,

I think I've come to a conclusion that I think you'll find quite neat.

So now I understand your reasoning, and I'll promise not to rant,

I'm sure glad I'm an ant named Fly, and not a fly named Ant."

The end

Jody L. Campbell

JL Campbell is the author of over 50 titles comprised of both fiction and non-fiction. Though he enjoys writing humorous essays, fiction is his first love. Visit www.jlcampbellbooks.comwww.jlcampbellbooks.com to get a taste of Campbell's style. Enjoy two of his short stories titled The Room and The Dying Man and get a glimpse of his novel Season of the Sand Devil.