
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Trapped in a Network Marketing Love Story

Honestly, I've made tons of money over the years from my "Average Joe" sales force.I love these people.I am one. But, the fact remains that humans are humans and they make human errors.This includes thinking Aurora Frankenstein model Furby heart more than their head.

Probably the biggest cause of Network Marketing failure over the years has been this very "human" fact.

New Network Marketers FALL IN LOVE with 1915 Cracker Jack baseball cards product and decide they can get rich promoting it.Period.Without investigating or evaluating the many other factors that contribute to a successful home business.They become trapped by an emotional reaction, investing time and money in a venture that doesn't really offer realistic potential for success.

Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a great product or even recommending it to someone.We all do it.But being in love with a product is NOT enough to build a successful Network Marketing business.Most of my associates and I enjoy products from many different Network Marketing companies.But we don't "promote" all of them as a business.Frankly, there's no way we could. We only promote those offered by companies that meet all of our criteria for a successful home business opportunity.

The Network Marketing industry was built on great stories. These include life altering results, dramatic weight loss, permanent vacation incomes, etc.It's only natural to be touched emotionally by a great story.It's quite "human" to desire similar results in our own life - to emulate the testimonies we're exposed to.

Seasoned Network Marketers use stories as their lead - as their introduction to an income opportunity.By sharing an eyebrow-raising story created by their new product, they can easily instill an emotional desire in the prospect.This strong desire, unchecked by rational logic, will usually propel the prospect toward the decision to "get involved" while overlooking the proper evaluation of the Network Marketing business itself.

Compounding the issue, if the prospect has a chance to use the product and enjoys the expected results, the "emotion factor" is multiplied.We hear it all the time.

"I love this stuff!I can't wait to tell others about it." Yes, that's the reaction the marketer wants from a prospect. But, for you the new Network Marketer, caution is advised. To avoid the love trap, temper your reactions with sound business judgment.That means, consider the entire package.Is this home business opportunity really practical for you, your talents and experience?

Evaluate the Network Marketing Company behind this great product, its reputation, history, track record, infrastructure, funding, resources, training and support.Above all, does the pay plan offer realistic rewards for the efforts you can honestly produce?How much will you have to produce in sales volume to reach profit?What quotas or monthly qualifications are required for you to earn residual income?

Maybe this is the perfect home business opportunity - maybe it isn't - for you.Don't waste weeks or months struggling to succeed in a Network Marketing opportunity that doesn't meet your criteria.Find another one and save yourself the heartache.

What To Do with Great Network Marketing Products: So an acquaintance introduces you to a product that you love. You've enjoyed the benefits. You're satisfied with its quality. But, the business opportunity behind it has flaws or potholes that don't suit you.What should you do?

That's easy.Use it.Enjoy it.Benefit from it.Fall in love with it.Maybe even tell a few friends about it, if they ask.

But, NEVER use a great product as an excuse to justify building a Network Marketing business.Unless, of course, you do your homework and determine that the opportunity behind it also meets your criteria.

Balancing good business judgment and emotional reactions is a critical part of Network Marketing success. But, this is href="michaelclutton.com">just one a many issues you'll face in your journey through the maze of opportunities. Take time to do your homework. You'll find more in depth discussions and analysis as written by Michael Clutton by visiting href="michaelclutton.com">michaelclutton.com

Michael Clutton has been successfully helping others to achieve their home business goals since the early 1990's.

DIY Home Security Systems

Everyone wants Red Man baseball cards protect their home and possessions against a potential break-in. There are a multitude of benefits to installing a do it yourself security system, such as being cost effective, offers a flexible installation approach, and available in a choice of complex or simple start up kits. And, Jody doll simplicity of installing a lot of these security systems can make it easy for Iron Man 1 homeowner to install.

DIY home security systems are the ideal for homeowners that prefer to tackle home improvement projects themselves and avoids the additional expense of professional installation. A lot of these security kits can be installed without having a prior knowledge of surveillance techniques.

These systems are available from some large general stores to the home improvement centers. And these self-installation security systems often fall within the affordable bracket. A easy to install and ready to use security system can cost $95 or less, while a more extensive self-contained alarm kit can cost in the region of $195.

Prior to acquiring a security system take the time to research the available models in the market to be certain that the chosen kit is suited to the job in hand. Once a sufficient amount of knowledge is gained it becomes that much easier to pick out the ideal home security solution.

These home security systems are designed and engineered to be self-installed. The instructions can be followed step-by-step to ensure that the alarm system is set-up in the correct manner and this can often save a lot of aggravation. Although, if in the throws of installing the system and unable to proceed due to confusion there's often a helpline to contact for support.

DIY home security systems are a valuable deterrent to deter the unwelcome attention of burglars and can often give that extra peace of mind in knowing that the home, possessions and its occupants are fully protected.

If you're interested in getting a more detailed look at href="home-security-surveillance.net/">Do-It-Yourself Home Security Systems, including a variety of Home Security Surveillance tips and ideas, take a look at href="home-security-surveillance.net/">Home-Security-Surveillance.net