
Monday, April 20, 2009

Make Windows Start Faster Now!

Every individual needs a system that starts faster with no wasted time. There are a lot of optimization tips available in buy Enzyte internet for reducing the startup time of Windows, who wouldn't want a faster PC?

Some of the tips that you might use are:

Change the Boot Sequence: Most of our systems are configured to first boot from the CD-ROM and then the hard drive. You can reduce the boot time by setting your hard drive Shazam the primary boot device or rather disabling the other options.

Boot Virus Detection: Some of the mother boards have the feature of scanning the boot sector for virus infection. As nowadays, boot sector viruses are very rare, you can disable this feature.

Disabling XP load screen: You can disable the load screen and gain a couple of seconds. To disable follow the steps:

1)Open run and type "MSconfig" and press enter.
2)In the msconfig window select "boot.ini" tab.
3)Check the /NOGUIBOOT option and press 'Apply'.
4)Restart Windows to see the effect.

Restrict the number of Startup programs: Many programs start up at the time of starting of windows but we rarely use all of them at that time. This consumes a lot of time. So just disable some of the programs by going to msconfig and clicking Space Patrol car startup tab and then select only desired or required programs like windows messenger, yahoo messenger and many more.

Enable boot de-fragmentation : Enable the boot de-fragmentation so as to club together the files used during startup.

1)Open run and type "regedit" and press enter.
2)Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction.
3)Select "Enable" from the list on the right.
4)Right click on it and select modify. Change the value to "Y" to enable. Restart the system.

Startup/logon SpiderMan Disable this sound by going to control panel -> sounds & audio devices ->sound tab -> in program events select no sound for this.
These were some of the tips to make windows start faster. These tricks are not harmful for a home user as these functions are not required by them so they can safely use these to optimize the startup time.

They key is to be realistic, is your PC 10 years old? The majority of these tips will help you but only to a certain extent.

To get more help to href="squidoo.com/windowsbootfaster">make Windows start 1970 71 Topps basketball cards just click href="squidoo.com/windowsbootfaster">here

Finding Cheap Contents Insurance Online

Home contents insurance would protect the contents in your home if in the worst case scenario you were to lose everything. It would also payout for personal belongings that were stolen or damaged by vandalism. While it is not a necessity it can pay to have to have something to fall back onto and it is possible to find cheap contents insurance online. A specialist broker can be one of the best places to find home contents insurance quickly and you are able to compare for the best deal from the comfort of your own home.

When obtaining quotes to find cheap contents insurance you would have to know how much G I Joe 1980's you need. In car to donate to get this figure you have to think of the very worst situation and take Addams Family pinball account how much it would cost to replace everything. It can be a good idea to take an inventory of all the items in your home and remember that even the smallest of items when counted together will add up to a fair amount. With this in mind do not forget to look in such as drawers, cupboards, wardrobes and loft. Go around jotting everything down and when you have finished this would be the sum of money you would need to insure.

When comparing cover you need to take into account the Star Trek action figures details. This includes what is and is not included in the policy. The majority of standard contents insurance cover should include fire, theft, flooding and vandalism. Usually a policy would protect any items in the home that you would take with you if you were to move home. A policy could contain cover for accidental damage but you would have to check to see if this was included as some providers ask you pay out an extra premium for this.

Another factor to take into consideration when looking at the terms of the policy is what you would be paid out. Some cover offered would take wear and tear into account and others would offer to payout new for old. This can not only affect how you are paid but also how much you are charged for the home contents insurance. If you were to take out cover that paid out new for old then you would be given brand new replacements. Wear and tear would of course take depreciation into account and you would not get the value you originally paid for items.

When considering cheap contents insurance one word of warning, always check to see what limits are included in the policy you are considering. Insurance providers will usually state a limit as to how much they would payout on any one item. Items which are particularly valuable might not be included in the standard policy such as expensive jewellery or collections. These might need insuring under a Batman Colorforms policy which would cost more. Also check for exclusions, for example items such as mobile phones and bikes would be covered if they were stolen or damaged in the home, however if they were lost or stolen when away from the home they are usually not covered.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance an independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their clients with the best insurance deal on their href="bestdealinsurance.co.uk/houseinsurance.htm">home insurance, car and life insurance