Big Brother VS Security in Trucking and Transportation
We Home refinancing calculator protect our civilization from International Terrorists, yet at the same time we all realize that our freedoms in this nation are paramount and we do not want to release too much power to government, as history warns. Not long ago I wrote a book on the Technology of Trucking, and one high-ranking Trucking Executive wrote me back with an interesting comment untypical of the rest.
He stated that he did not want government to adopt all the future technologies that I discussed in my book because he thought those issues should Gourmet Food controlled by private industry securing their own fleets rather than government doing it for them. He also noted that the immense and incestuous relationship with technology contractors and the government.
Indeed, I orthoevra all too well the problems and challenges that Adam Smith warned us about. I sure love my country, but I know that humans are running the government, regulatory agencies and security forces. Yes, I realize that all our politicians, judges, legislature are also made up of humans. The technologically advanced systems are not the weak link, they in fact add security and integrity of the system. The weak link are humans, and we know not all humans are honest and with the power of information some humans will be inclined to abuse such power.
Technology to secure distribution and transportation can work - the problem is with the humans and human nature. Whether they are the criminals, working in government or those who usurp the system for their own personal gain - systems can be in place to watch the flow of goods and should be if not for security, certainly for efficiency. The additional economies of scale will indeed create opportunities for all.
Failure to secure our infrastructure will mean that it will be used against us, then disrupted and then we have no civilization at all. Without transportation and distribution you do not have a civilization - I think the Roman's figured that out with their aqueducts and roads.
Well, in addition to this and as for the saying: "Those who relinquish liberty for short-term security in the end will have neither." I would say that there are other factors here and transportation is a hostgator coupons of our Nation's infrastructure, even with excellent redundancies, still it makes sense to know what is going where and who is shipping what. We already have such systems in place - it is just a matter of making sure that these systems have integrity.
And yes, I listen to Rolley James on occasion like many in the trucking industry, still it seems that there is strength in knowing and efficiencies to be gained. Waste is problematic and technology can also cut costs of bureaucracy. Perhaps this topic needs to be debated at length with the Department of Transportation, Department of Homeland Security and the Trucking Industries. Sincerely, Lance.
Transportation Security: Efforts to Strengthen Aviation and Surface Transportation Security are Under Way, but Challenges Remain. GAO-08-140T, October 16." target="_blank
Highlights - Coffee Beans" target="_blank
The Future of Truck Technologies:" target="_blank Large .pdf takes a minute to load.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington